Welcome Address by
Prof. Roberto Di Pietra (Univ. of Siena Rector)
Prof. Salvatore Bimonte (Chair of DEPS)
Coordination Prof. Nicola Dimitri
Introduction Prof. Ugo Pagano
Professor Hamid Sabourian is internationally recognised as one of the main economic theorists. He is Fellow of King’s College in Cambridge and Fellow of the British Academy. He has been Director of Keynes Fund, University of Cambridge, 2014-19, Chair of the Economic Department of Cambridge 2007-11 and 2018-19, and Visiting Professor in several major international universities. He has an extensive record of publications in the main economic journals. Early in his career he was part of the “Quakers”, an impressive group of very talented young economists, coordinated by Prof. Hahn in Cambridge, who then became leading
academic scholars in the UK and worldwide.
Professor Frank Hahn (Birmingham, London School of Economics, Cambridge, Siena) has been acknowledged, worldwide, as a leading economic theorist of the previous century. He gave fundamental contributions to the theory of economic equilibrium and to the role of money in the economy. He also became known for having promoted a letter, signed by more than 300 econo-mists, critical of the Margaret Thatcher economic policy. In his career he has mentored numerous economists, currently prominent international academics. He had close collaborations with some of the principal world figures of the Economics discipline. During his period in Siena, he gave fundamental contributions to the University PhD program in Economics, and to many scientific activities of the Economics Department.