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- Dipartimento
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- Personale
- Docenti
- Alberto Baccini
- Lucio Barabesi
- Stefano Bartolini
- Marcello Basili
- Alberto Battistini
- Filippo Belloc
- Gianni Betti
- Salvatore Bimonte
- Luigi Bosco
- Gabriel Luis Burdin Bula
- Gabriele Cappelli
- Andrea Caravaggio
- Sergio Cesaratto
- Andrea Cinfrignini
- Martina Cioni
- Federico Crudu
- Giuliano Curatola
- Antonella D'Agostino
- Alberto Dalmazzo
- Massimo D'Antoni
- Marwil Davila
- Massimo A. De Francesco
- Rosa Maria Di Biase
- Nicola Dimitri
- Sara Franceschi
- Francesca Gagliardi
- Emanuele Giordano
- Marzia Marcheselli
- Roberto Martino
- Piero Mazzarisi
- Stefania Naddeo
- Laura Neri
- Claudio Pacati
- Riccardo Pariboni
- Pierpaolo Parrotta
- Paolo Pin
- Caterina Pisani
- Tiziano Razzolini
- Samuele Riccarelli
- Leonardo Ridolfi
- Antonio Roma
- Serena Sordi
- Marco Stimolo
- Silvia Tiezzi
- Stefano Vannucci
- Michelangelo Vasta
- Stefano Verde
- Carlo Zappia
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- Mila Andreani
- Tancredi Agostino Buscemi
- Valentina Ciriotto
- Carlo Debernardi
- Corinna De Leo
- Riccardo De Santis
- Laetitia Dillenseger
- Mohammad Doudkanlou
- Fernando Flores Tavares
- Pau Insa-Sànchez
- Federica Muzzicato
- Alemu Lambamo
- Antonio Lofaro
- Agnese Marcelli
- Andrea Mecca
- Roberto Rozzi
- Andrea Sereni
- Alessandro Stringhi
- Heikkuri Suvi
- Ioanna-Yvonni Tsaknaki
- Visiting Professor
- Cultori della materia
- Docenti
- Assicurazione della qualità
- Ricerca
- Annuario della ricerca
- Pubblicazioni DEPS
- Quaderni DEPS
- Anno 2024 da n.909 a n.
- 923. Morality and Alternative Economic Theories in Ancient History Studies: a Review Article
- 922. Interplaying demand-led growth and energy supply constraints a Sraffian Supermultiplier Model with Energy Sector
- 921. Sovereign Bondholders and the Eurozone core-periphery Divide: from the Debt Crisis to the Quantitative Tightening
- 920. Big Moves, Small Gains: Unpacking the Size Effect in Takeovers and Other Corporate Deals
- 919. ARROW SECONDO GAY Commenti su Introduzione al volume EQUILIBRIO, INCERTEZZA, SCELTA SOCIALE. DI K.J. ARROW (1987) di Antonio Gay
- 918. Categories of Games and Chu Spaces
- 917. The agrifood chain sustainability: a pilot study on consumers' willingness to pay, perception and preferences.
- 916. Financial Subordination and Public Debt in the Eurozone Periphery
- 915. Theil index estimation by means of the influence function with an application to income surveys
- 914. Modelling green attitudes and informality along the North-South divide
- 913. Gender inequality and occupational segregation in white collar-jobs in the early “quiet revolution”: new evidence from the wages of Swedish teachers (c.1890)
- 912. Monetary policy effects on wage inequality: evidence from Italy
- 911. The (in)visible side of the balance of payment: a revised estimates of Italy’s current account, 1862-1913
- 910. A new multidimensional indicator to measure the agrifood sustainability
- 909. Endogenous political cleavages and the economics of climate change
- Anno 2023 da n.894 a n.908
- 908. Agri-food traceability, quality and safety in Italy: integrating new technological and methodological systems of statistical indicators for citizens, institutions and policy makers
- 907. Robust control in the presence of a colored model error term in discrete time
- 906. A discrete-time dynamic model of real-financial markets interactions
- 905. Climateflation and monetary policy in an environmental OLG growth model
- 904. Annotazioni sull’implementazione della politica monetaria: ieri, oggi, domani
- 903. Technical change and the monetary circuit: an input-output stock-flow consistent dynamic model
- 902. Conflict inflation and autonomous demand: a supermultiplier model with endogenous distribution
- 901. Does Incentive Pay Substitute for Monitoring? The Role of Managerial Skills and Span of Control
- 900. The impact of monetary policy on functional income distribution: a panel SVAR analysis (1970-2019)
- 899. Three approaches to institutions in economic analysis: Polanyi, North and the surplus approach’s third way
- 898. Preliminary notes on the Marxist debates on “historical forms of social production” in a surplus approach perspective
- 897. Preliminary notes on the economic analysis of the Graeco-Roman economies in a surplus approach perspective
- 896. On rational choice from lists of sets
- 895. How robust is the natalist bias of pollution control?
- 894. Nuovi Orizzonti per l’Innovazione e il Trasferimento Tecnologico in Italia: la creazione della “Società Italiana per la Ricerca Applicata”
- Anno 2022 da n.870 a n.893
- 893. On measurable uncertainty and the fight for taking uncertainty seriously in economics
- 892. Pensions and informality in a structuralist dual-economy model
- 891. Growth models and comparative political economy in Latin America
- 890. The Green-MKS system: A baseline environmental macro-dynamic model
- 889. The Dual Approch in an Infinite Horizon Model with a Time-Varying Parameter
- 888. Stability and determinants of the public debt-to-GDP ratio: a Stock-Flow Consistent investigation
- 887. Classification of the population dynamics observed in Italian Municipalities between 1951 and 2019
- 886. From Addition to Multiplication: The Labour Theory of Value and the Economic Institutions of Capitalism. Part three: Structure, Super-structure and Institutional Change
- 885. From Addition to Multiplication: The Labour Theory of Value and the Economic Institutions of Capitalism. Part Two: Neither Micro nor Macro: Understanding the Evolution of Aggregate Variables in a Capitalist System
- 884. From Addition to Multiplication: The Labour Theory Of Value and the Economic Institutions of Capitalism. Part One: Profit and Surplus-Value in light of Transaction Costs
- 883. Consumption as pedagogy of simulation
- 882. Sen and Sraffa: Description as Theory
- 880. Long-term unemployment, hysteresis and missing deflation: reconsidering the New-Keynesian approach by means of an 'old' Phillips curve
- 879. Le frontiere della politica monetaria: aspetti didattici, teorici, di politica economica. Un review article
- 878. Fuzzy method for studying the relationships between allergies and socio-economic conditions
- 877. Stagnation despite ongoing innovation: Is R&D expenditure composition a missing link? An empirical analysis for the US (1948-2019)
- 876. Inflation and Distributive Conflict: a theoretical perspective
- 875. The Italian coal shortage: the price of import and distribution, 1861-1911
- 874. The Gray Zone
- 873. Human capital in Europe, 1830s -1930s: towards a new spatial dataset
- 872. What does OLS identify under the zero conditional mean assumption?
- 871. Mandatory social label system as a super-nudge to reduce intention-behaviour gap and increase responsible consumption
- 870. Capital, macroeconomics and perfect foresight: throwing down the gauntlet
- Anno 2021 da n.849 a n.869
- 869. Growth theory and the growth model perspective: Insights from the supermultiplier
- 868. Aggregation of Experts Opinions and the Assessment of Tipping Points. Catastrophic Forecasts for Higher Temperature Changes
- 867. Strategy-Proof Aggregation Rules in Median Semilattices with Applications to Preference Aggregation
- 866. An ECB’s Staff Narrative of Two Decades of European Central Banking: a critical review
- 865. The polarisation of Italian metropolitan areas, 2000-2018: structural change, technology and growth
- 864. Strategy-Proof Aggregation of Approximate and Imprecise Judgments
- 863. Inflation and conflicting claims in the open economy
- 862. Growth led by government expenditure and exports: public and external debt stability in a supermultiplier model
- 861. Estimating Environmental Compliance Costs at the Installation Level
- 860. Who are the arbitrageurs? Empirical evidence from Bitcoin traders in the Mt. Gox exchange platform
- 859. Persistence studies: a new kind of economic history?
- 858. Trust predicts compliance to Covid-19 containment policies: evidence from ten countries using big data
- 857. Digging into Environmental Productivity: Is It All about Technology?
- 856. Gimme Shelter. Public Housing Programs and Industrialization. The INA-Casa plan, Italy
- 855. Happier and Sustainable. Possibilities for a post-growth society
- 854. Design-based mapping of plant species presence, association and richness by nearest-neighbor interpolation
- 853. Thirlwall's law: Binding-constraint or centre-of-gravity? A possible Kaleckian solution
- 852. The institutions of the work-leisure divide
- 851. Keynes’s finance, the monetary and demand-led circuits: a Sraffian assessment
- 850. The Fed, housing and household debt over time
- 849. The difficult task of changing while growing
- Anno 2020 da n.818 a n.848
- 848. Do epidemics impose a trade-off between freedom and health? Evidence from Europe during Covid-19
- 847. Political representation and the right of recall: A proposal
- 846. Autonomous components of aggregate demand and capital accumulation in Richard Cantillon's Essai? An inquiry through the lens of modern demand-led growth theory
- 845. Family Ties and Child Obesity in Italy
- 844. Whither pluralism in economics education? New empirical evidence
- 843. A Note on the Interpretation of Financialization as the ‘Sixth Countertendency’ to Marx’s Law of the Tendency of the Rate of Profit to Fall
- 842. Three tribes: the uneasy relations between economics and economic history
- 841. Coevolution of Job Automation Risk and Workplace Governance
- 840. Secular Stagnation and innovation dynamics: an agent-based SFC model. Part I
- 839. Seeing what can(not) be seen: confirmation bias, employment dynamics and climate change
- 838. The Covid-19/SARS-CoV-2 pandemic outbreak, the risk of institutional failures and a coherent health policy
- 837. Is the productivity premium of internationalized firms technology-driven?
- 836. Multi-Layer Profit Sharing and Innovation
- 835. Inequality in pre-industrial Europe (1260-1850): new evidence from the labour share
- 834. Strategy-Proof Aggregation Rules in Median Join-Semilattices and Arrowian Social Welfare Functions
- 833. Single Peaked Domains with Tree-Shaped Spectra
- 832. Is the Value Effect due to M&A Deals?: Evidence from the Italian Stock Market
- 831. How do you feel about going green?
- 830. Notes on Piketty's model
- 829. Variance estimation techniques for poverty and inequality measures from complex surveys: a simulation study
- 828. The surplus approach, Polanyi and institutions in economic anthropology and archaeology
- 827. Corporate Hierarchies and Labor Institutions
- 826. The Kuznets curve of the Rich
- 825. A Critical Assessment of Comparative Advantages
- 824. A note on financialization from a Classical-Keynesian standpoint
- 823. The Covid-19/SARS CoV-2 pandemic outbreak and the risk of institutional failures
- 822. Blockwise Euclidean likelihood for spatio-temporal covariance models
- 821. Inference in instrumental variables models with heteroskedasticity and many instruments
- 820. A Freeway to Prosperity? Evidence from Calabria, South of Italy
- 819. (Ir)rational explorers in the financial jungle: modelling Minsky with heterogeneous agents
- 818. From Firm to Global-Level Pollution Control: the Case of Transboundary Pollution
- Anno 2019 da n.797 a n.817
- 817. Le apparenze ingannano: La teoria economica marxista e l’abbandono della teoria del valore-lavoro. Seconda parte: Il Capitale al contrario
- 816. Le apparenze ingannano: La teoria economica marxista e l’abbandono della teoria del valore-lavoro. Prima parte: L’impresa come istituzione per il profitto.
- 815. The usual robust control framework in discrete time: Some interesting results
- 814. Performance of Value and Size based Strategies in the Italian Stock Market
- 813. A Spatiotemporal Framework for the Analytical Study of Optimal Growth Under Transboundary Pollution
- 812. A Model for the Optimal Management of Inflation
- 811. Manufacture Content and Financialisation: An Empirical Assessment
- 810. Frank W. Taussig and Carl S. Joslyn on the social origins of American business leaders. A chapter in the history of social science at Harvard
- 809. From open economies to attitudes towards change. Growth and institutions in Latin America and Asia
- 808. A consistent representation of Keynes's long-term expectation in financial markets
- 807. Heterodox economics and Economic Anthropology: reflections prompted by two books
- 806. Labor Conflict at the Workplace: Do Dismissal Regulations Matter?
- 805. Linking University Harshness and Students’ Choices: Sociodemographic Differences based on Italian Universities’ Characteristics
- 804. Bilinear form test statistics for extremum estimation
- 803. Come sorridere anche noi: Sviluppo economico, accesso alle conoscenze, e riduzione delle diseguaglianze
- 802. Can school centralisation foster human capital accumulation? A quasi-experiment from early XX century Italy
- 801. The legacy of history or the outcome of reforms? Primary education and literacy in Liberal Italy (1871-1911)
- 800. Investment behaviour and “bull & bear” dynamics: Modelling real and stock market interactions
- 799. Employer-Employee Profit-Sharing and the Incentives to Innovate when the Dismissal Regulation Matters
- 798. Proprietà e controllo delle grandi imprese: un’interpretazione del resistibile declino italiano
- 797. A Social Cure for Social Comparisons
- Anno 2018 da n.771 a n.796
- 796. Multidimensional and fuzzy poverty at regional level in Iran
- 795. Alternative Approaches to Technological Change when Growth is BoPC
- 794. A Multi-Sectoral Approach to Financialisation
- 793. Farsi male da soli. Disciplina esterna, domanda aggregata e il declino economico italiano
- 792. Some New Insights on Financialisation and Income Inequality
- 791. Ninety years of publications in Economic History: evidence from the top five field journals (1927-2017)
- 790. Some new insights on the empirics of Goodwin's growth-cycle model
- 789. Labour Productivity and Firm-Level TFP with Technology-Specific Production Functions
- 788. How active is active learning: value function method vs an approximation method
- 787. Platform-mediated reputation systems in the sharing economy and incentives to provide service quality: the case of ridesharing services
- 786. What went wrong with Italy, and what the country should now fight for in Europe
- 785. Path dependence, distributive cycles and export capacity in a BoPC growth model
- 784. Attitudes Toward Climate Policies in a Macrodynamic Model of the Economy
- 783. Wesley Clair Mitchell and the “Illiberal Reformers”: A Documentary Note
- 782. Sustainable Development Goals indicators: a methodological proposal for a fuzzy Super Index in the Mediterranean area
- 781. Italian “Homicide Road Law”: Evidence of a Puzzle?
- 780. Aggregation of experts’ opinions and conditional consensus opinion
- 779. Finance, Intangibles and the privatization of knowledge
- 778. Social capital as disease prevention
- 777. Ellsberg’s Decision Rules and Keynes’s Long-Term Expectations
- 776. Supervision and Work Content: Industry level evidence
- 775. Employee Control, Work Content and Wages
- 774. Errors-in-Variables Models with Many Proxies
- 773. Positional goods and legal orderings
- 772. Positional Goods and Social Welfare: A Note on George Pendleton Watkins’ Neglected Contribution
- 771. Does Focality Depend on the Mode of Cognition? Experimental Evidence on Pure Coordination Games
- Anno 2017 da n.745 a n.770
- 770. Tree-Wise Single Peaked Domains
- 769. Cohesion Policy Incentives for Collaborative Industrial Research. The Evaluation of a Smart Specialisation Forerunner .....
- 768. Why have only humans and social insects evolved a complex division of labor
- 767. A Formal Assessment of New-Developmentalist Theory and Policy
- 766. The DUAL Approach in an Infinite Horizon Model
- 765. Enveloped choice functions and path-independent rationality
- 764. Demand-led growth with endogenous innovation
- 763. Bofinger and Ries versus Borio and Disyatat: macroeconomics after endogenous money. A brief note
- 762. The Erasmus effect on earnings: a panel analysis from Siena
- 761. Inference in instrumental variables models with heteroskedasticity and many instruments
- 760. Distributive cycles and endogenous technical change in a BoPC growth model
- 759. Dynamic Relationship of Commodities prices and EUR/USD exchange rate trends in the recent past
- 758. The curious case of the coexistence of two “access-orders”: Explaining the Italian regional divide
- 757. Beyond the traditional monetary circuit: endogenous money, finance and the theory of long-period effective demand
- 756. Advanced or postponed wage payments: Sraffa validates Marx
- 755. Hyper-H-Indices for Multi-Attribute Research Outputs: Characterizations
- 754. Symmetric Consequence Relations and Strategy-Proof Judgment Aggregation
- 753. Joining the Incompatible: Exploiting Floristic Lists for the Sample-based Estimation of Species Richness
- 752. The nature of the eurocrisis. A reply to Febrero, Uxò and Bermejo
- 751. Una nessuna centomila – Le molte verità di Target2
- 750. The Passage of Time, Capital, and Investment in Traditional and in Recent Neoclassical Value Theory
- 749. The secret to job satisfaction is low expectations:How perceived working conditions differ from actual ones
- 748. The Origins of the Italian Regional Divide: Evidence from Real Wages, 1861-1913
- 747. Individual poverty measurement using a fuzzy intrahousehold approach
- 746. Chaotic Synchronization in Economic Networks
- 745. Local Poverty and Inequality in Albania
- Anno 2016 da n.725 a n.744
- 744. Property, Possession and Knowledge
- 743. Knowledge as a Global Common and the Crisis of the Learning Economy
- 742. The effect of a newborn on household poverty: a multi-indicator analysis
- 741. The knowledge economy, the crash and the depression
- 740. Progressive Era Racism and its (Jewish) Discontents
- 739. Longitudinal statistical matching: transferring consumption expenditure from HBS to SILC panel survey
- 738. Giochi evolutivi, evoluzione della cooperazione e materialismo storico
- 737. Clustering of R&D collaboration in Cournot oligopoly
- 736. Alternative interpretations of a stateless currency crisis
- 735. The modern revival of the Classical surplus approach: implications for the analysis of growth and crises
- 734. Modello Baumol–Oates in tempo discreto e tempo continuo: analisi deterministica e stocastica
- 733. Chicago Economics in the Making, 1926-1940. A Further Look at US Interwar Pluralism
- 732. When Robertson was Keynesian and Keynes Robertsonian: a discussion between D.H.R. and J.M.K............. A note.
- 731. Money, Social Capital and Materialism. Evidence from Happiness Data
- 730. Majority Judgment and Strategy-Proofness
- 729. On controlling chaos in a discrete tâtonnement process
- 728. Unsustainable Inequality: is there a turning point?
- 727. What Makes a Successful Entrepreneur? Historical Evidence from Italy (XIX-XX Centuries)
- 726. Capitalismo, Politica Economica e variabili lente e veloci
- 725. Environmental pollution as engine of industrialization
- Anno 2015 da n.704 a n.724
- 724. The geography of innovation in Italy, 1861-1913: evidence from patent data
- 723. The enduring logic: the history of business groups in Italy
- 722. La teoria dei giochi e John Nash
- 721. Comparing small area techniques for estimating poverty measures
- 720. Karl Marx on wage labour: From natural abstraction to formal subsumption
- 719. Employee Representation Legislations and Innovation
- 718. Corporate Governance Effects on Innovation when both Agency Costs and Asset Specificity Matter
- 717. Do Police Displace Crime? The Effect of the Favela Pacification Program in Rio de Janeiro
- 716. Daniel Ellsberg on the Ellsberg Paradox
- 715. Autonomous demand and the Marglin-Bhaduri model: a critical note
- 714. Autonomous demand and economic growth: some empirical evidence
- 713. Utilizzo di capitale inquinante e non inquinante in una analisi dinamica di modelli integrati ec-amb: un approccio critico
- 712. A Selective Migration Review: from public policy to public health
- 711. On multidimensional diversity orderings with categorical variables
- 710. Again on the relevance of reverse capital deepening and reswitching
- 709. Brazil and China: Two Routes of Economic Development
- 708. Marx’s theory of value, the ‘new interpretation’, and the ‘empirical law of value’: A recap note
- 707. Garegnani on a way to avoid the value capital endowment in Wicksell (1898)
- 706. Corporate Governance and Sectoral Patterns of Innovation: Evidence from Italian Manufacturing Industries
- 705. A Certain Amount of 'Recantation'. On the Origins of Frank H. Knight’s Antipositivism
- 704. Network geometry and the scope of the median voter theorem
- Anno 2014 da n.695 a n.703
- 703. Building sustainability through greater happiness
- 702. A note on the estimation of a Gamma-Variance process: Learning from a failure
- 701.Food prices and Wall Street. Explaining the time-varying relation between agricultural prices and stock market dynamics
- 700.Secular trends in tobacco consumption: the case of Italy, 1871-2010
- 699.Happiness matters: the role of well-being in productivity
- 698.Discovering the dark heart of Italian capitalism: a perspective from Supreme Court legal cases and .......
- 697.On John Maynard Keynes’s Anti-Semitism Once Again. A documentary Note
- 696.Riforme economiche e crescita: una discussione critica
- 695.Latent class Markov models for addressing measurement problems in poverty dynamics
- Anno 2013 da n.670 a n.694
- 694. Equality under threat by the talented: evidence from worker-managed firms
- 693. Extractive Industries and Local Development in the Peruvian Highlands
- 692. Will Facebook save or destroy social capital? An empirical investigation into the effect of online interactions on trust...
- 691. Crossing the hurdle: the determinants of individual scientific performance
- 690. Maurice Allais on Equilibrium and Capital in some of his 1940s Writings
- 689. Twenty-five years of materialism: do the US and Europe diverge?
- 688. Escaping from a human capital trap? Italy’s regions and the move to centralized primary schooling, 1861 - 1936
- 687. Neglected implications of neoclassical capital-labour substitution for investment theory: another criticism of Say's Law
- 686. Synergy, Conflict and Institutional Complementarities
- 685. Ellsberg Rules and Keynes’s State of Long-Term Expectation More Than an Accordance
- 684. Construction and economic development: empirical evidence for the period 2000-2011
- 683.In the shadow of the interlocking directorates regulation. A comparative case study
- 682. Quel pasticciaccio brutto dell’euro
- 681.The implications of TARGET2 in the European balance of payment crisis and beyond
- 680. From Sovereigns to Banks: Evidence on Cross-border Contagion (2006-2011)
- 679. Organizational Forms in the Knowledge Economy: A Comparative Institutional Analysis
- 678. Notes on Institutional Complementarities and Organizational Forms
- 677. Aggregation of not necessarily independent opinions
- 676. Aggregation of coherent experts opinion: a tractable extreme-outcomes consistent rule
- 675. Group-participation and Women Empowerment: Matching as an Evaluation Estimator A District-level Study in West Bengal, India
- 674. How Much do We Care about Air Quality Improvements? Evidence from Italian Households Data
- 673. Institutional Complementarities and Property Rights-Technology Equilibria under Knowledge Intensive Technology
- 672. On two-valued nonsovereign strategy-proof voting rules
- 671. The endless Eurozone crisis, where do we stand? A Classical-Kaleckian overview
- 670. Investment inflows and sustainable development in a natural resource-dependent economy
- Anno 2012 da n.631 a n.669
- Anno 2011 da n.607 a n.630
- Anno 2010 da n.583 a n.606
- Anno 2009 da n.551 a n.582
- Anno 2008 da n.524 a n.550
- Anno 2007 da n.491 a n.523
- Anno 2006 da n.471 a n.490
- Anno 2005 da n.446 a n.470
- Anno 2004 da n.416 a n.445
- Anno 2003 da n.377 a n.415
- Anno 2002 da n.345 a n.376
- Anno 2001 da n.314 a n.344
- Anno 2000 da n.276 a n.313
- Anno 1999 da n.239 a n.275
- Anno 1998 da n.223 a n.238
- Anno 1997 da n.209 a n.222
- Anno 1996 da n.192 a n.208
- Anno 1995 da n.179 a n.191
- Anno 1994 da n.160 a n.178
- Anno 1993 da n.150 a n.159
- Anno 1992 da n.136 a n.149
- Anno 1991 da n.127 a n.135
- Anno 1990 da n.97 a n.126
- Anno 1989 da n.86 a n.96
- 1979-1989 da n.1 a n.85
- Anno 2024 da n.909 a n.
- Collana del Dipartimento
- 14. L'imperialismo globale e la grande crisi
- 13. Marx dalla totalità alla moltitudine (1841-1843)
- 12. Time Varying Parameters and the Rational Expectations Hypothesis
- 11. Adaptive Control of Linear Systems with Time-Varying Parameters
- 10. Movimenti di Capitale Finanziari e Produttivi
- 9. The Fundamental Institutions of Capitalism
- 8. The Economic Theory of Learning: An introduction
- 7. Guida alle attività del Dipartimento di Economia Politica
- 6. Siena Lectures on Endogenous Growth Theory, edited by Serena Sordi
- 5. Sicily and its markets 1300-1500 economic growth and social transformation
- 4. Equilibrium and Disequilibrium Interpretations of Inflation
- 3. La Proprieta Immobiliare a Bologna in Età Napoleonica (1797-1810)
- 2. Tasso Interno di Rendimento e Valutazione dei Progetti: una Analisi Teorica
- 1. Istituzioni creditizie ed Accumulazione del Capitale in Italia (1948-81)
- Quaderni dell'ex DMQ
- Routledge Siena Studies in Political Economy
- Testi on-line
- Quaderni DEPS
- Progetti di ricerca
- Progetti PRIN
- Tracing the roots of human capital inequality in early-modern Italy, 17th-19th centuries
- Industrialization in France and Britain: a new comparative economic history (1700-1913)
- AUTOPROWIN – AUTOmation, PROductivity and Wage INequality: Firms and Workers in Times of Economic Turmoil
- Economic development in Italy from the Middle Ages to today: a regional perspective
- The economics of vaccination
- Has economics finally become an immature science?
- Lost highway: skills, technology and trade in Italian economic growth, 1815-2018
- Francis Ysidro Edgeworth e lo sviluppo dell'analisi economica del diritto: utilità, contratti e benessere sociale
- Contratti, mercati e concorrenza nel pensiero degli economisti inglesi da Marshall ed Edgeworth a Coase. Alle origini dell'analisi economica del diritto
- Misure, modelli statistici e indicatori per la valutazione del Sistema Universitario.
- Diseguaglianza, poverta' ed esclusione sociale: analisi e coerenza delle fonti informative, nuove misure e modelli interpretativi
- La misurazione della disuguaglianza di opportunità
- Metodologie di raccolta ed analisi dei dati ambientali
- Reti di collaborazione, di citazione e di controllo nelle discipline economiche
- Produzione di conoscenza e crescita economica
- Protezione globale della proprietà intellettuale e diversità dei modelli di capitalismo
- Carrying capacity turistica: un nuovo approccio integrato con alcune applicazioni "sul campo"
- Estensione e performance dell'impresa pubblica italiana (1926-1993)
- Miti e realtà del traffico e della prostituzione nell'area Europea: analisi di alcune banche dati e implicazioni di policy
- Sviluppo dell'impostazione classica sulle determinanti di crescita e salari e sul funzionamento della concorrenza
- Metodi e studi di valutazione degli effetti di politiche del lavoro, di aiuto alle imprese e di welfare
- Imprese di assicurazione e fondi pensione. Modelli per la valutazione, per la gestione e per il controllo
- Dinamiche e persistenze nel mercato del lavoro italiano ed effetti di politiche (basi di dati, misura, analisi)
- Recenti sviluppi nell'analisi qualitativa e nella simulazione object-oriented della dinamica economica
- Progetti PAR
- Altri Progetti di Ricerca
- Progetti PRIN
- Journals Ranking
- Seminari e convegni
- Convegni e workshop
- Hahn Lecture - Sir Partha Dasgupta Frank Ramsey (Emeritus Professor University of Cambridge UK) “Economic Possibilities in the Anthropocene"
- First Annual Workshop Economies in Ecological Transition
- SVeBio – Statistics for Vegetation Biodiversity: estimation and mapping Kick off Workshop
- Hahn Lecture - Professor HAMID SABOURIAN (University of Cambridge, UK) “Following the Crowd: Rational Herding and Social Learning in an Uncertain World"
- Oltre la famiglia e lo Stato: quali riforme per il capitalismo italiano?
- Workshop “In honour of Vijay's spirit for Life and for Work”
- Annual Conference STOREP "The Social Rules! Norms, Interaction, Rationality."
- Workshop "Young economists' macroeconomics"
- Workshop - New frontiers in stochastics for economics and finance
- Workshop - Latin America at a Crossroad
- Hahn Lecture, Ariel Rubinstein (Tel Aviv University, New York University) “Directions in modeling bounded rationality”
- Young Economists of Tuscan Institutions
- Workshop "Deliberative Democratic: Protocols: Design and Assessment. Targets for a Research Project"
- EH/tune - 8th Economic History Workshop
- Hahn Lecture - Oliver Hart (Harvard University) Premio Nobel per l’Economia 2016
- Workshop "Aggregation under risk and uncertainty"
- Ricchi per caso? La parabola dello sviluppo economico italiano
- Carlo Cottarelli "I sette peccati dell'economia italiana"
- International conference on Policies for Happiness and Health
- Workshop Big Data: Challenges and New Trends
- EH/tune - 7th Economic History Workshop
- Aggregation under risk and uncertainty
- Crisi e Sostenibilità, la delusione del mercato libero
- Hahn Lecture - Joseph Stiglitz (Columbia University) Premio Nobel per l'Economia 2001
- The €uropean crisis: diagnoses and possible cures. Perpectives from Spain
- Il capitalismo italiano: un ibrido infelice?
- Topics in Evolutionary Economics. New Approaches to old social problems
- Varieties of Uncertainty
- La valutazione possibile, teoria e pratica nel mondo della ricerca
- Academic research as a driver for innovation
- Legalità, Economia e Democrazia
- Goodwin Lecture - Michael Grubb (University College of London)
- Finance, Environment & Sustainability
- Statistical inference for assessing and monitoring natural resources
- EH/tune - 6th Economic History Workshop
- Università in declino, un'indagine sugli atenei da Nord a Sud
- Siena Finance Workshop
- Giornata in memoria di Marcello de Cecco
- Siena Tel-Aviv Toronto Law & Economics
- Goodwin Lecture - Xavier Labandeira (Director FSR Climate, European University Institute and University of Vigo)
- Il futuro dell'economia italiana in prospettiva storica: declino o ripresa?
- Hahn Lecture - Eric Maskin (Università di Harvard) Premio Nobel per l'Economia 2007
- Presentazione dell’edizione italiana del testo "L’ECONOMIA" - The CORE Project
- Tutti gli eventi
- Seminari
- Convegni e workshop
- International Lectures
- Goodwin Lecture
- Hahn Lecture
- First Hahn Lecture - Roger Backhouse (University of Birmingham)
- Second Hahn Lecture - Eric Maskin (Università di Harvard)
- Third Hahn Lecture - Joseph Stiglitz (Columbia University)
- Fourth Hahn Lecture - Oliver Hart (Harvard University)
- Fifth Hahn Lecture - Ariel Rubinstein (Tel Aviv University, New York University)
- Sixth Hahn Lecture - Professor HAMID SABOURIAN (University of Cambridge, UK)
- Seventh Hahn Lecture - Sir Partha Dasgupta Frank Ramsey (Emeritus Professor University of Cambridge UK)
- AQ-Ricerca