Martina Cioni
DEPS, USiena
Giovanni Federico
Division of Social Sciences, NYUAD and CEPR
Michelangelo Vasta
DEPS, USiena
Since the early years of the 21st century, economists have started to look for the historical roots of current economic outcomes. In this article we deal with this new approach (called persistence studies), as represented by the 75 articles published in ten leading economics journals. We outline the key features (issues, period, geographical area of interest, etc.) of this articles and we discuss their citational record, in comparison with the (much more numerous) economic history articles in the same journals. We also explore the affiliation and training of the 121 authors of persistence studies, highlighting the role of some Boston institutions as the cradle of the new approach.
persistence studies, economic history, citational success, top journals.
Jel Codes
A11, A12, B4, N01