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Anno 2024 da n.909 a n.923
923. Morality and Alternative Economic Theories in Ancient History Studies: a Review Article
Sergio Cesaratto, DEPS, USiena
922. Interplaying demand-led growth and energy supply constraints a Sraffian Supermultiplier Model with Energy Sector
Vinícius da Silva Centeno, PhD-DEPS,USiena
921. Sovereign Bondholders and the Eurozone core-periphery Divide: from the Debt Crisis to the Quantitative Tightening
Cinthia de Souza, PhD-DEPS, USiena
920. Big Moves, Small Gains: Unpacking the Size Effect in Takeovers and Other Corporate Deals
Antonio Roma, DEPS, USiena – Costanza Consolandi, Dipartimento di Studi Aziendali e Giuridici, Università di Siena
919. ARROW SECONDO GAY Commenti su Introduzione al volume EQUILIBRIO, INCERTEZZA, SCELTA SOCIALE. DI K.J. ARROW (1987) di Antonio Gay
Stefano Vannucci, DEPS, USiena
918. Categories of Games and Chu Spaces
Stefano Vannucci, DEPS, USiena
917. The agrifood chain sustainability: a pilot study on consumers' willingness to pay, perception and preferences.
Leonardo Brogi, Gianni Betti, Francesca Gagliardi, DEPS, USiena
916. Financial Subordination and Public Debt in the Eurozone Periphery
Cinthia de Souza, PhD-DEPS, USiena
915. Theil index estimation by means of the influence function with an application to income surveys
Lucio Barabesi, DEPS, USiena – Federico Crescenzi, University of Tuscia – Lorenzo Mori, University of Bologna
914. Modelling green attitudes and informality along the North-South divide
Mario W. Dávila-Dávila, Federal University of Sao Joao del Rei – Marwil J. Dávila-Fernández, DEPS, USiena
913. Gender inequality and occupational segregation in white collar-jobs in the early “quiet revolution”: new evidence from the wages of Swedish teachers (c.1890)
Gabriele Cappelli, DEPS, USiena – Johannes Westberg, DHPE, University of Groningen
912. Monetary policy effects on wage inequality: evidence from Italy
E. Beqiraj, Sapienza University of Rome – S. Di Bucchianico, M. Di Serio, University of Salerno – M. Raitano, Sapienza University of Rome
911. The (in)visible side of the balance of payment: a revised estimates of Italy’s current account, 1862-1913
Giovanni Federico, New York University, Abu Dhabi – Andrea Incerpi, DEPS, USiena
910. A new multidimensional indicator to measure the agrifood sustainability
Andrea Mecca, Università di Siena – Emanuele Giordano e Francesca Gagliardi, DEPS, USiena
909. Endogenous political cleavages and the economics of climate change
Marwil J. Dávila-Fernández, DEPS, USiena – Christian Proaño, University of Bamberg – Serena Sordi, DEPS, USiena